Breaking News Alert: BC Ports Strike Back On

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In a turn of events, Hard Deck Logistics notes that the ILWU Canada (the Union representing the BC port workers) rejected the mediated deal which ended the strike last week (this rejection occurred a short while ago earlier today).

As a refresher, last week, Canada’s Labor and Transport ministers announced the end of the strike publicly. It is reported that Rob Ashton, President of the ILWU Canada, announced he does not believe the deal can protect jobs now or into the future.  He also says a four-year agreement is “far too long.”  He says workers are going back to picket lines at 4:30 pm Tuesday 7/18 to take action and as well to try to negotiate further collectively.

Please see the below/attached statement from the ILWU Canada. Additionally, this is causing delays in shipments and is costing companies as well as economies far too much money. This situation continues to take a toll on imports/exports and is causing bottlenecks.

Hard Deck Logistics did note that in the time period between last week (when the strike was announced as being over) to now, much freight did offload/load at Vancouver and as well intermodal cargo was moving on rail from BC ports.

Hard Deck Logistics will continue to follow these developments as the story develops.




CEO Hard Deck Logistics
