A successful transloading operation is required to be highly orchestrated due to the various
moving pieces. Generally, the transloading process still relies on manual labor.
Do you foresee more technological innovation in the near future?
Many transload facilities are considering the use of technology now more so than ever. We have learned many things in the last few months as we learn to cope with the new normal, and one of the most important messages is that we need to reduce our touchpoints. Never has there been a time in our generation's lifetime that has necessitated the need to change. Transloads that previously never considered automation or EDI are looking at ways to reduce the number of touchpoints, both from a material handling as well as an information or paperwork standpoint. But these in my mind are existing technologies. Now more than ever we need to look at protecting our businesses and ensuring consistent operations are in place should something like this happen again. This is a time to seriously start considering the fully autonomous supply chain network of the future, and that would include fully autonomous transloading facilities.