Why do I need a carbon strategy? (Tyler Cole, Freightwaves)

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Many believe we are in the midst of a climate crisis and that continued warming will lead to catastrophic, irreversible impacts. Climate disasters are increasingly frequent, volatile, and visible. The cost of climate risk is extraordinary - billions of dollars annually in the US alone from damages caused by hurricanes, drought, energy costs, sea-level rise, etc. Globally, trillions of dollars are at risk annually from climate change.

And it’s not just climate being discussed. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics deal with all sorts of other social and human rights issues along with corporate values and strategy. For the transportation sector, the biggest areas of impact come from environmental and labor issues. Whether or not you believe the experts, it’s clear that governments, banks, insurance firms, and customers are listening and taking action. In the 2020s, being seen as a climate laggard is not an option.


Freightwaves (Small Cropped)