What makes Red River Valley & Western Railroad different from other transloaders?
- Our dedication to customers through excellent customer service, reliability, and safety. Red River Valley & Western places a big emphasis on making shipping by rail easy.
What are you seeing in the market? When do you see markets coming back?
- A new development for wind energy in our region has slowed down considerably this year. We believe development will start back up in 2022 and beyond.
Are there any new projects or developments that Red River Valley & Western Railroad is working on now?
- We have recently finished the development of a new transload location near Fargo, ND where we can transload bulk liquids to and from railcars. As well as transload most dry bulk products. This location also has a temperature-controlled warehouse where products can be stored while they await shipping.
What are Red River Valley & Western Railroad currently doing in transloading?
- Currently, we transload steel beams, lumber, and bulk liquids.
Is there something you would like to share with our members that people may not know about your company?
- Red River Valley & Western Railroad takes pride in our ability to help customers find new development opportunities and overcome obstacles they may face.
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