What advice would you give to your 20, 30, 40-year-old self? (Mike Kershaw)

Mike Kershaw (1)

I don’t really remember 20.

30's a little bit.

A fair amount of my 40’s.

The key advice which I followed, mainly because I have always been a “hands-on” person, is to be involved. It is very easy to look at a transload and say that it looks pretty simple. The key to providing good service to the customer is to understand all of the aspects of transloading. Understanding all of the nuances of equipment and be able to operate them is incredibly important as you discuss operations with the customer.

Personnel, operations, safety, and all of the things that make up transloading need to be known to be a good transloader.

Always have a contingency plan.  Customers do not want to hear that equipment broke down or someone didn’t show up for work.